July Blocks
>> Wednesday, July 28, 2010
I managed to complete 4 fireworks blocks for the July Block Lotto. This was all of the black tone on tone I had in my stash. Does it count as stash if you buy it ahead of time for this specifically? Anyway, I've also run out of time so I will leave it at 4 and hope to be one of the winners this month.
There's always next month:)
I can reveal my July Sew Modern Bee block now that Nicole has received it. She requested 12 1/2 inch unfinished blocks with a circles theme. You can look back at this post to see some of my inspirations and tools I used. I think the coloured thread around some of the circles really helped this block.
Here it is before being sewn together:
Here is the another look at the sewn block {you can click on it to make it bigger}: I blanket stitched around the centre circle with a bright pink thread, and around the little bird circles with turquoise. The rest of the circles I stitched with my neutral sewing thread leaving the raw edge exposed.
You can see the circle blocks Nicole has received so far by visiting the Sew Modern Bee flickr site.
With Joy,
Sarah Vee
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