Pictures of Progress
>> Monday, May 4, 2009
Well, when things don't go as planned. . . you might as well quilt! That's what I did this weekend with some great results. My OP quilt top is finished!I finished fixing my one side border that had ended up too short. Then I made sure the other side border would fit before I attached it. All that was left was the bottom. I'm very happy with how it turned out. That's my silhouette behind the quilt (if you want to call it that!) My daughter took the picture for me.
I was planning to tie this quilt and have it done for when my son is ready for a twin bed. However, now that my daughter has seen the top DONE, she is eyeing it! One of her favourite colours right now is turquoise. So it might end up her summer quilt. For this summer? We'll see!
I finished the top Saturday and still had some weekend to spare. . . So I got a few more things accomplished quiltwise. (LOTs of laundry too!) The top left is another Lady of the Lake block. The first one I've done in awhile. The two other patched blocks are for my 2009 Quilt inspired by a quilt by Crazy Mom Quilts. The carrot goes with my Bunny Lady Quilt. I have started to do the embroidery stitching at night watching baseball, hockey, or Elmo....and getting more done than I expected:) Happy Quilter here. Relieved mom too, that maybe the stomach flu has finally left the building:)
ONE more thing! A giveaway! A brand new book giveaway! You know how lucky I am!!:) But I'm going to share with you anyway! Go to Gudrun's World and see for yourself another generous quilter.
Sew JoY! Reap Quilts!
Sarah Vee
I love the OP quilt. It could always find a home here too.
Your 2009 quilt is going to look really neat. I might have to try that one year.
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