Gathering Strings and Things
>> Saturday, August 21, 2010
August string blocks done. I know there's one week left, but I do these blocks as 'leader and ender' pieces. I've been sewing things I can't share {yet!} and getting some monthly sewing done too.
I've also started to look at some of my machine quilting resources in preparation for the Free Motion Quilt Along. The open book is, Machine Quilting: A Primer of Techniques, by Sue Nickels. I also looked at my sewing machine manual to reread the type of needle suggested for machine quilting. And then I also found my needle collection.
These are all the machine needles that I have from my husband's Granny.
I keep them in this tin - one of my first quilty tins and I've had it for years. I also have all of my hand sewing needles in here too.
Not sure I have the right needle at all. I will wait and see. Still more gathering to do as I plan to use these placemats for the quiltingand I need to decide on some backing fabric.
With Joy,
Sarah Vee
I like the string blocks.
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