Cat Approved
>> Sunday, August 30, 2009
I completed my two August stockings for the Season of Grace BOM with Pat Sloan and Emilie Richards.I thought I would lay them out with the fabrics I've selected for the background, sashing, and border. Then I thought I would put all my finished stockings to date out too. I was inspired by Pat's Show and Tell on her website.
But Pat doesn't have a CAT.It started innocently enough. I pulled back the covers on the bed where he wasn't sleeping so I could get a good daytime shot. I think he heard the camera 'beep' on.
Then it was inspection time! Of course he got right in front of the camera and every shot I tried to take with him looking at me didn't turn out. He turned his head just as the camera took the shot.
So, this is my cat and some of my blocks arranged haphazardly for the Season of Grace BOM.
At least the finished product will hang on the wall. That should keep him off of it!
Sew Some JOY this last weekend of August,
Sarah Vee
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